A blog about an average couple living a healthy lifestyle.

Family Time

Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well, I know I am.  I’ve lost almost 10lbs over the last 2 weeks by tracking what I eat.  I’ve said this before in the past, but i’m a fan of MyFitnessPal.  They make it so easy to track what you’re eating by letting you scan the barcodes…

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Getting my steps

I just wanted to say how awesome Sarah is for getting me a Fitbit to track my steps.  I had the original Fitbit, but she got me the Charge so I can check heart rate and what not.  Those of you who have one know how much it helps to pay attention to how many…

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Welcome 2016

Talk about time flying right?  I know there has been a long delays in our updates.  There is no excuse for that since everyone is always busy, and no way to change that since it’s in the past.  One thing that can be changed though is the future!  That’s what makes me want to update…

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I am not a product of my circumstances, I am a product of my decisions.

As I sit here getting ready to write my first post since who knows when, I keep thinking, how did I get here, and what happened? I started this year very strong and dedicated, and then what happened?  I wish I could really point my finger to a particular circumstance or point in time where things went wrong,…

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Moving on…

In the crazy time of my life, that spanned over 6 months, we lost our pup.  Her name was Boo and she was the best dog I’ve ever owned.  She was an American Shafier Terrier, more commonly known under the bully breed as a Pitbull.  We adopted her when she was 4 or 5 (the…

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August 12th – 6 months later…

So what do you do if you lose yourself for a while? Let’s say you are dedicated, but then realize that things are a lot harder than what you thought.  You start looking at the bigger picture and decide, “hey, I don’t want to do this anymore”.  Then you start wondering to yourself, do you…

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Feeling Fat

I honestly hate when holidays or birthdays come around. There is always bad food to eat and it just throws my whole day out of whack. I have decided that any family functions I will just have to be that crazy lady who brings food with her everywhere. Even though I ate sugar which i…

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We’re up and running

Hello all!  We are up and running, well not literally, but ya’.  We look forward to sharing our story and hopefully motivating some people along the way.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask.  In the meantime, please be patient with us as we update our blog. Thanks, Brian & Sarah It’s…

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